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Full name

Sam Ruf


Freelance Graphic Designer / Chiller technician


Savannah, GA


Hello, I'm Sam Ruf, a 25-year-old graphic designer with a passion for creating captivating digital art. My alias that I go by was and is "𝐇𝐲𝐳𝐭𝐑". Ever since I was 12 years old, I have been immersed in the world of graphic design, utilizing Adobe Photoshop as my primary tool for bringing my artistic visions to life. In addition to Photoshop, I also harness the power of Cinema 4D to create stunning 3D renders that add depth and dimension to my artwork. This combination of techniques allows me to craft visually striking designs that engage and inspire viewers.
Throughout my journey as a graphic designer, I have had the honor of joining prestigious arts teams and achieving all of my goals in the industry. I take great pride in the work I have done for high-profile clients, including the renowned FaZe Clan, where I have had the opportunity to contribute my skills to their brand.
While my current profession lies in the field of industrial HVAC, my true passion lies in graphic design. It is through this art form that I can fully express my creativity and push the boundaries of visual storytelling. I invite you to explore my portfolio and experience the fusion of artistry, technical expertise, and dedication that defines my approach to graphic design. Together, let's embark on a visual journey that captures attention, evokes emotions, and leaves a lasting impression.

To reach out to me either use my contact page or email me at:


Thanks for taking the time to stop by!


Graphics artist

P4D (Prototype 4D)

Youtube · 2014 – 2016

Prestigious arts team. Did artwork as a team to collaborate on ideas and share materials. Worked for many years to finally be a part of P4D.

Graphics artist

The Darth Empire

Youtube · 2014 – 2015

Designed intros, logos, and banners for all members of the team at any time needed.

Graphics Artist

Abstract Graffiti (AG)

Youtube · 2013 – 2015

Perfected my graffiti art style with the help of this team. Used our team to help collaborate on designs and share helpful knowledge.

Lead Graphics Artist


Youtube · 2013 – 2014

Handled the SoaR Arts channel aswell as hired new recruits. Designed intros, logos, and banners for all members of the team at any time needed.

2014 Hit 1,000 Subscribers! , Youtube
Big milestone for early youtube era. Worked hard for many years on the channel and managed to get a Fullscreen Partnership (RIP).

SoaRSniping FaZeClan TheDarthEmpire Justin Escalona


Adobe illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe AE, Cinema4D, 3DS Max, Sony Vegas PRO 20